Collection Relationship Viewer

Based on some of my experiences in the field, I saw a need for a tool to view the relationships between collections and their limiting collections. This tool should assist you in seeing a big picture of how your collections relate to one another.

Nathan Ziehnert

3 minute read

I recently had a client who had collections nested deep via limiting collections and various include/exclude relationships. This is absolutely fine… organize your collection structure how you see fit; I wouldn’t say there is a right way to do it. There is however a concern when you start to nest collections too deep and it becomes hard to figure out how the chain of updating works. Depending on how you organize the collections in ConfigMgr can make finding the limiting collections…

The One About Collection Refresh

Collections. There is a certain art to organizing them. There is also a science behind how the update schedules work and how you can use them to your advantage - or how you might be using them to your disadvantage. That's why it's important to know the relationship between collections and their limiting collections.

Nathan Ziehnert

5 minute read

I’ve seen my fair share of organizaitonal structures when it comes to collections. Some involve creating collections for specific functions (e.g. Power Settings, Deployments, Client Settings) and all split by some sort of logical grouping (OS, Server vs. Workstation, etc) - others have been pretty basic (just OS and groups). Whatever your structure involves, there is nearly always one goal that everyone has with their collections: getting the correct devices or users into the collection…

New Job, New Site!

There is really nothing you need to know about this post except that I got a new job and with that I decided to revamp the site.

Nathan Ziehnert

1 minute read

Well, goodbye corporate and hello consulting! I’ve decided that I just can’t settle down at one place and would rather help as many people as I can explore the opportunities available to them through Microsoft System Center products. As of September 29th I will begin as a Senior Lead Consultant at Catapult Systems.