Building PowerApps for ConfigMgr - The Frugal Way (Part 1)

Let's talk about building your own tools for ConfigMgr. Some of the coolest stuff to come out of Microsoft recently is their "citizen developer" stuff (e.g. Power Apps / Power Automate) which makes creating tools for ConfigMgr insanely easy. Let's build one!

Nathan Ziehnert

8 minute read

There is no doubt that I am an insanely frugal person when it comes to some things. Why pay for French’s Yellow Mustard when Kroger brand is literally the same product? Why buy two-ply toilet paper when single-ply is all you need?! (Just kidding… Ultra-ply for life). The same holds true for my license purchases. If I can make something work without a subscription, or with a cheaper subscription, why would I pay for the more expensive subscription?

ConfigMgr Deep Dives: Single Instance Storage

Let's get down into the trenches of ConfigMgr internals. Mostly because I want to fully understand these components :)

Nathan Ziehnert

10 minute read

One of the things that I have not spent a great deal of time on in my career is diving deeper into the things that I take for granted in ConfigMgr. I’ve certainly done a couple of investigatory deep dives before, such as my investigation into the new cumulative update architecture, but I feel like I could do more. So, I figured a fantastic way to encourage myself to do more of these is to start blogging them.

2020 Vision

2019 brought with it some new experiences for me - larger speaking engagements, more activity in the community, and more friends and cohorts. With that last one has also come more than one gentle correction on things I thought I knew, but really didn't. Here's my vision for 2020 on how I'm going to do better.

Nathan Ziehnert

7 minute read

First off, let’s get this out of the way. 2020 Vision.