PowerShell Presentation Framework - Part 5 (Responsive GUIs)

"Frozen" applications. We've all seen 'em. We all hate 'em. Here's how to avoid 'em when using the PowerShell Presentation Framework.

Nathan Ziehnert

7 minute read

Now that we have a good handle on creating non-smelly layouts let’s talk about something equally important - user experience or UX for short. Consider the following experience that I’m sure we’ve all experienced at least one time:

WaaS Upgrade Complete Mobile/SMS Notification

A script for notifying your end users when their Windows 10 upgrade is complete, or anything that you might do that takes a long time.

Nathan Ziehnert

9 minute read

I’m always impressed with the vast availability of Windows as a Service (WaaS) community solutions and tools. The way our community shares solutions without expecting anything in return is just great and in my opinion a major reason why we can all be so successful. Especially as we push our users harder with more frequent updates and upgrades. My new mantra is “Happy Users, Happy Admins.” While we can be successful in getting devices upgraded without regard for the users it…

PowerShell Presentation Framework - Part 4 (Good Layout Hygiene)

Time to take a break from PoSHPF specifics and take a bath. Our code is getting a little smelly, so let's talk about good layout hygiene.

Nathan Ziehnert

7 minute read

It’s been three posts since we’ve showered, and our XAML is starting to smell a bit. It’s time to practice some good hygiene. Thus far we’ve just dragged elements into our window and resized by hand. For the most part that has worked, up until we ran our last example. Our loon didn’t expand to the entire window and left some gross white space on the right side we need to scrub off. I said this in my MMS presentation, and I’ll say it again: