Let's Learn EM+S: Azure Active Directory Continued

Cloud based management and other mobility and security products from Microsoft aren't going anywhere anytime soon, so it's time you start learning them. We're going to work through a lot of stuff over the coming months, so buckle up and let's get going!

Nathan Ziehnert

9 minute read

We’ll continue our Let’s Learn EM+S series with some more configuration of our Azure AD environment. Login to your Azure portal with an account with Global Administrator rights and we’ll get started. Today we’re going to look at the following items:

Let's Learn EM+S: Getting Started With Azure Active Directory

Cloud based management and other mobility and security products from Microsoft aren't going anywhere anytime soon, so it's time you start learning them. We're going to work through a lot of stuff over the coming months, so buckle up and let's get going!

Nathan Ziehnert

10 minute read

For those of you who are familiar with Azure Active Directory, probably none of what is in this post will surprise you or be of interest. I’m also not going to guarantee that what I write in here are “best” or even “recommended” practices. The goal behind these posts is to at least introduce those who have an interest in EM+S to some of the processes and procedures to get it set up and how to use it. Plus for me to share some funny photos along the way.

Making MSIX Packages from MSIs

MSIX is Microsoft's new packaging technology taking the best parts of MSI, APPX, App-V, and ClickOnce apps and putting them together. In this post we'll talk about taking an MSI and repackaging it in MSIX.

Nathan Ziehnert

6 minute read

If you’re unfamiliar with Microsoft’s new application packaging format, I suggest you take a look at this breakout session from Microsoft Build this year: Channel9 - Build - BRK2432. It is about an hour long (before Q&A), but there is a lot of good information in there.