Making a Custom MOF with an Embedded Script

I see custom MOF files less frequently now than I used to in the past. However, sometimes they are a good tool for the job. Recently I made a custom MOF to report on the current TPM status for reporting purposes in ConfigMgr (since by default the Win32_Tpm class only reports the initial status values when the class is created. In this post I'll walk you through what I did so that you can steal, err, adapt it for whatever you desire.

Nathan Ziehnert

10 minute read

WMI is awesome. So much good data is contained in such an easily accessible “database”. Hard drive information, software installs, printer information, services, man oh man there is so much data available to you. Sometimes however, you just have to have more.

Let's Learn EM+S: Setup Your 90 Day Trial

Cloud based management and other mobility and security products from Microsoft aren't going anywhere anytime soon, so it's time you start learning them. We're going to work through a lot of stuff over the coming months, so buckle up and let's get going!

Nathan Ziehnert

4 minute read

There’s a lot in the Enterprise Mobility and Security Suite (EM+S) from Microsoft. A lot. I mean just look at this list.

PowerShell Credential Manager

I've seen lots of guidance on storing credentials for consumption by a PowerShell script. ConvertTo/From-SecureString seems to be the most common method, but has some serious limitations when it comes to sharing credentials between computers. In this post I'll introduce a PowerShell module I wrote which will allow you to store self-signed C Certificate encrypted credentials in a SQL database and consume them at a later date or from another machine.

Nathan Ziehnert

9 minute read

First off, let me state for the record that I know that this probably has its security flaws. For one, any time you have reversible encryption your data is only secure as the key that was used to encrypt the data. Secondly, I’m not a security guy by trade - I do my best to understand and secure where I can, but security is an artform I have just not mastered. However, I have seen (and myself commited) many acts of bad security in the name of getting a script to work with credentials of a…