PowerShell Presentation Framework - Part 3 (Media Resources)

Now it's time to break into some of the content that makes PoSHPF unique. In this particular post we'll talk about what I call Media Resources. What I really mean is easy references to images or sounds without having to change their value in PowerShell.

Nathan Ziehnert

7 minute read

Alrighty, so now we know how to create a window and make a button do something. What about media like images and sounds? In C# you might embed the resource (image/sound) directly in your executable and reference it via an internal path reference. In PowerShell though, short of converting the file to a base-64 value there isn’t a really good way to store file content directly in your script. Nor should there be.

PowerShell Presentation Framework - Part 2 (Wiring Controls)

Now that we've got a basic GUI with a button and a label, let's talk about how to wire up these controls to actually do something!

Nathan Ziehnert

7 minute read

Today we’ll kick off Part 2 of the series on building WPF GUIs with the PowerShell Presentation Framework. We’re still in the beginning phases of our GUI building learning, so things will still be simple. I hope you kept a copy of your XAML from last time (the one where we created a label and a button). If you didn’t - here’s a solution you can launch in Visual Studio that has everything we need for today.

PowerShell Presentation Framework - Part 1

Introducing a "framework" to build WPF GUIs in PowerShell. This multi-part series will work through the reason for the framework and how it's used.

Nathan Ziehnert

8 minute read

A special thanks to Stephen Owen (FoxDeploy) and by proxy Boe Prox (Learn PowerShell) for the inspiration behind this script. I know that Stephen has his own version of a script like this and I won’t claim that this is any better - just a “different” approach. Here are a few of the differences: